2025/2026 Course Selection
To make changes to a student’s timetable, please make an appointment with our Academic Advisor, Ms. Nina Mitchell.
It is essential that students seriously consider their course requests and how they connect to their pathway through to gradation.
Success in any course may be difficult to achieve if the prerequisite body of knowledge and skills has not already been studied.
In addition, students in Grades 10, 11 and 12 must take into account:
- basic graduation requirements;
- their own educational and vocational plans; and,
- the entrance requirements of any post-secondary institution(s) in which they may be interested (colleges, vocational or trade school, universities).
Courses offered depend on student enrolment for the school year. No course, however, can be offered without sufficient numbers of students interested in a particular offering. Our spring course selection process helps guide the types of courses offered.
Students are encouraged to talk to their teachers and with the school advisor for more specific information about course offerings.